Monday, November 13, 2006

People of the Night (Preparation Economy)

They are the people of the night, the DP's (delivery persons), the people that deliver the most sophisticated newspapers and magazines of the world to your door in the middle of the night. So that you, the reader, can read or at least go through the newspaper or mag before you go to work. The people of the night are at the bottom of the food chain in distribution country. There couldn't be a bigger difference in way of living between the DP's and the readers they serve.

(DP Lino in Brussels, capital of Europe, serving the
worlds biggest institutions. Here in front of the
Belgian Parliament at 4 AM)

Always at round in the deserted capitals of the world, living of cheap coffee (not Red Bull, too expensive) and junkfood from the night shops, in the worst imaginable sorts of weather, to be able to go at home around 7 AM after having digested the morning traffic jams, often to go

(Delivery of the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, The Times, to companies and institutions around the Brussels stock exchange)

to a second job in the early afternoon, before returning to the nightly newspaperworld again

(Night manager Luc in a Brussels warehouse preparing
newspaper tours for his drivers. Most of them are Congolese.
They will come in around 02.45 AM, they will sticker their
newspapers with addresslabels while discussing the
political situation in Congo)

that same evening. I have a deep respect for our People of the Night, without them my job would be meaningless, our customers, both readers and advertisers, wouldn't be served. They run what I call a 'preparation economy' during the night. Every action they undertake serves a higher goal during the day. They ship, handle, pack and label products, the essence being 'creation of movement' so our daytime economy wouldn't come to a standstill because lack of products or information.