Meanwhile by attending numerous conferences in these universities I have the feeling I am following my own private MBA. At the same time I am receiving lessons on how to, or how not to organize events (never organize an event in an auditorium where the entrance door comes out behind the speaker)
Today I learned about 'flexicurity'. It represents the pursuit of a balance between flexibility and security as a key target of the European economy, taking into account the mission of the EU Lisbon strategy. Flexicurity has been defined as a "policy strategy that attempts, synchronically and in a deliberate way, to enhance the flexibility of labor markets, the work organization and labor relations, and to enhance security -employment security and social security- notably for weaker groups in and outside the labour market."
The flexicurity seminar was organized by Lessius University College Antwerp (Belgium), the Leo Tindemans Chair, in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair.
I learned most from a Danish PHD researcher, Mrs. Anna Ilsoe (picture), who compared the higly acclaimed Danish flexicurity model with the US model (she was very pregnant and about to go on maternity leave, for 6 (six!) months > kind of living proof of the Danish model she was talking about).
(Picture: Mrs. Anna Ilsoe, Danish PHD researcher, speaking about 'Flexicurity'
at the Lessius University College in Antwerp, Belgium.)