Friday, September 12, 2008

Former Intel CEO, Craig Barrett, on education

- "Although developing countries are investing heavily in education, along with research and development, the US is not."

- "In the developing world the governments, parents and even children value education over almost everything else, but the situation is very different in the US, and I see a similar situation in the UK."

- "Despite the influx of technology into education, the most important thing in any classroom is a good teacher."

- "Nations are only as strong as their education systems."

- "The world’s most powerful nation needs to do more to nurture Research and Development, as well as overhaul the education system. Putting all the new and fancy equipment found in today’s American classrooms aside."

- "A good teacher is the best tool for a good education anywhere in the world."

- "In many respects, the same is true in the UK as well, where the state school system just isn’t as good as it should be - even though our students are continually posting record pass rates in GCSE and A-level exams. The problem is that developed countries are using technology to great effect, but they’re forgetting that the most important thing in any classroom is the quality of the teacher, everything else should be secondary to that."

(from Craig Barrett at IDF, the annual Intel Developer Forum, 19 August 2008)
